Agenda - Finance Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 3 - Senedd

Meeting date: 15 November 2018

Meeting time: 09.00
For further information contact:

Bethan Davies

Committee Clerk

0300 200 6372



1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest




2       Paper(s) to note

(09.00)                                                                                          (Pages 1 - 3)



2.1   PTN1 - Letter from the Chair of the Petitions Committee - P-05-840 Fair Funding for Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council and all other Local Authorities - 6 November 2018

(09.00)                                                                                          (Pages 4 - 5)



3       Welsh Government Draft Budget 2019-20: Evidence session 8 (Economic growth panel)

(09.00-10.00)                                                                             (Pages 6 - 43)

Joshua Miles, Policy Manager, FSB Wales

Rhianne Jones, Policy Adviser, Country Land and Business Association

Sara Jones, Head of the Welsh Retail Consortium


Paper 1 – Written evidence: FSB Wales

Paper 2 – Written evidence: Country Land and Business Association

Paper 3 – Written evidence: Welsh Retail Consortium



4       Welsh Government Draft Budget 2019-20: Evidence session 9 (Future Generations Commissioner for Wales)

(10.00-11.00)                                                                           (Pages 44 - 61)

Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner for Wales

Cathy Madge, Lead Change Maker, Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales


Paper 4 – Written evidence: Future Generations Commissioner for Wales



5       Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of the meeting




6       Welsh Government Draft Budget 2019-20: Consideration of evidence




7       Wales Audit Office and the Auditor General for Wales's Estimate 2019-20: Consideration of draft report


Paper 5 – Draft report



8       Public Services Ombudsman for Wales Estimates 2019-20: Consideration of draft report

(11.40-12.10)                                                                           (Pages 62 - 84)

Paper 6 - Draft report

Paper 7 – Briefing note





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